Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome Home Gail

Village resident and our good friend Gail just returned from her annual winter visit in the Texas Rio Grande Valley.   Welcome home Gail.  Sorry you missed the ice storm, but we will try to make it up to you .

Some how she was voted Queen of Mountain  Street, and I understand the sign is worth lots of money.  


Winifred said...

I bet she's glad she missed it! The mind boggles as to how you'll make it up to her. Are going to recreate it?

Patsy said...

Winifred, he could take all of those limbs and dump them in her yard. I hear they still have a lot to go around. A leg here and a arm there. lol-lol

Frank Baker said...

Patsy, How did you know ? I was thinking about that but FEMA came by and picked up all the arms and legs.

