Having lived in many different parts of the country has been a rewarding experience. We enjoy learning about the people and places wherever we live. Each place is different, but has a unique offering if one will only take the time to discover it.
A Mule Barn
There isn't many of these left, and it's easy to understand why. With modern day farm equipment mules are no longer needed or a place to keep them. This old building is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Frank that is a real nice barn photo.To bad they don't have mules. You just don't see barns like that any more.
good picture. Where is the mule barn located? I am getting spring fever. I think the cure is to plant some flowers and put a bird house with bird seed out.
Is this barn in Arkansas? It sure is a "beauty"!
One good thing about living in Tennessee, we still have mules !
Old barns are everywhere, and working barns at that.
Great picture...barns, old or new have a charcter of their own..
Beautiful barn Frank.
Great photo!
That's a good picture. Why did they have to have a separate barn for mules. You can see I'm a bit of a townie!
Hi Winfred, That's a good question, and I'm not sure that I'm qualified to answer, but I'll try. You must realize farming is very extensive in the delta, and some farms consist of thousands of acres. Before tractors the source of power for the farm machinery was mules, and many were required. Mules were important and were well cared for.
I know little about farming, but I'm constantly amazed at the lifestyle here in the delta. Good to hear from you.
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