Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Along the River

The Old and The New

Memphis is an interesting town.  I think most towns along the Mississippi River have a lot to contribute as a unique place to live.  Most recently the trend to live downtown along the River has been increasing.  New construction along with remodeling of old building for living space has made living along the River popular.  

Come down and take the Trolly Ride and check it out, and keep in mind Elvis is still alive.  For some more information check out Memphis 


deedee said...

If we get to take our yearly family reunion trip to Arkansas this year, I'd like to detour over to Memphis. Love the pictures!

Winifred said...

Love your new header and the photos.

Patsy said...

I love The old Memphis and all of the history we took for granted.

trudyscousin said...

I especially like the conversion. In Denver's LoDo, that's happening all over the place. Makes me wonder if I'd be there by now if I'd stayed in town.

Being retired, as you and Dad are, seems so far away to me, if ever it happens. Whenever I look at cities (and I do this quite frequently), I always have to consider whether I could find work there. Cheryl and I want to get away from Santa Clara County because it's simply too expensive.

Anyway, it's been years since I was in Memphis, but I'd like to come back and see it again.

Aimeslee Winans said...

I have had relatives living in Memphis for decades. Last time I was there was 1981. It was pretty crime-ridden and grimy back then, but so was Houston. Hope it has changed for the better. :-)

Patsy said...

We are living in small town in Arkansas, had to get out of Memphis it is not the place we loved

