Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tita Mama Defined

Tita Mama is really " Sister Moma", but because her younger brother couldn't say sister. he called her Tita and it stuck. 

After she was grown and married it became Tita Mama..  I'm sure this is Southern culture, and I'm reminded of Tennessee William's play, " A Cat On A Hot Tin Roof ", there were Big Daddy, Big Mama, Sister Mama , and Maggie the Cat.

In conclusion, she is our daughter, living in North Carolina.  She reads and comments on many blogs but refuses to have one of her own.   All other children, and grandchildren have blogs, and websites, and all are linked to our home page. Search 'em out and have fun. 


Patsy said...

I like Southern Culture, and I had a Big Daddy and a Big Mama.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Hi, Frank! I am finally here. I'm Aimee - Thurman and Cissy from down the street's daughter -- Peggy had left the comment on my blog just by coincidence and in trying to thank her for commenting, I happened upon this blog and realized while reading it that you know my parents! LOL

Anyway, our internet and phone went out the day after talking to my dad and we just got it back on reliably yesterday. So, please forgive me for the delay. I bet you thought, what the heck?

I am now following your blog and invite you to mine. Nothing special, just an art hobbyist's not-so-hot creations, lol.

Hey, would you be so kind as to thank Peggy for commenting on my blog, and tell her I said don't be a stranger. Same for you. When I read your blog, it makes me feel closer to my parents, so I will be a frequent visitor!

And thanks so much for looking after them during the storm. I was so worried!

Aimee (Aimeslee) Winans
My Paper Paisleys Art Adventures Blog

