Friday, June 27, 2008


I've been painting for a long time.  Not only on my present project, but during my entire life.   Seems I've always been painting or something like that.  I loved to paint so much that I was a charter member of the paint locker aboard ship when I was in the Navy.  It was oil paint then and diesel oil was the choice for clean up, and the sweet smell  of diesel oil is still a fond memory.

  Over the years I have learned many things about painting and the most outstanding one is one should never get in a  hurry .  This could easily be applied to things in life.  Since I have retired I've learned to never be too hasty about anything, and with the thought that one should always save something to do tomorrow.    For example:  When I go to Wal-Mart I usually carry a list, but I'm careful to always omit an item from my shopping so I will be assured to have a reason to return tomorrow.  This always works and I''m sticking with my plan.  

Now, getting back to my current painting job.  Some of my closest friends can't understand why it's taking so long.  I would have probably been through, but I'm influenced  by the Veteran's Wall in the Ramey Center.   For some strange reason I think I'm on the same schedule as Becca, and as hard as I try I just can't get my work completed.  It would be nice if  channel 4 would post my progress ( or lack of progress ) and thank everyone for their patience. 

 Now we all know the above isn't true and I just made it up.  The real reason behind my painting is simply that the Preacher is out of town and the painting boss is sick, and I'm just dragging my feet ( or paint brush ).  I understand all will be back on Tuesday;  I think I'll be through Monday night.  ( with Cloody's help )  

1 comment:

Patsy said...

I love it and I think it is the truth. Oh my, life in the village, for sure about Wallmart.

