Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter Weather

Well, everyone is talking about the weather. What will happen?

Snow---The white flakey stuff
Sleet--- The frozen ice pellets 
Freezing Rain --- The really bad stuff.  Falls as a liquid, and freezes on contact.  Everything above ground is coated in ice.  Power lines, trees,  often break under the weight of the ice, and streets and bridges become very slick and dangerous.  Power fails and we sit around in the dark and shiver.

Reminds me of a fellow named Sam McGee.  Sam just couldn't get warm until he was;   Well, I won't tell you any more.  Suggest you click on Robert Services famous poem as he tells it much better than I.   Click Here 


Patsy said...

Well I will have to say that is a good tale that was told about a man from Tennessee.Ha Ha
And it is going to be to cold to hang out in my trees for the next day our two.

deedee said...

Loved the poem! It's even cold here in Arizona today too. Brrrr

Andy said...

Frank and Sam,

"It's that cursèd cold, and it's got right hold, till I'm chilled clean through to the bone."

We hear you, brothers! Since they've outlawed neighborhood-sponsored cremations in Houston, the next best option is to locate some good brandy, pour yourself a thimbleful or two, and go sit by the fire.

