Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Car, Is a Car, Is a Car

I Bet The Gas Mileage is Good Too
(Click on picture)

You have to know the right Guy to drive a car like this.
(Click on picture)

Jamie new Smart Car,
The only one in Memphis. I can't wait for a ride.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Goodbye Becca

Becca Sunday, our Resident Services Director leaves to
 accept a new position in Alabama.  Becca has been a
 real asset to the Village, and has made many friends
 since she has been here.  We will all miss her.  

Monday, November 24, 2008

High Flying Rockets

The Village was entertained Sunday afternoon with an exciting model rocket demonstration by Ed Hansen.  Ed is an experienced builder and flyer of model rockets, and we appreciate his effort to make this event possible.  Fun was had by all, and it's a good event for all ages. We hope Ed will schedule another event in the near future.   

Chief Rocket Launcher Makes Ready

Blast Off

Good Recovery

The parachute is ejected and the rocket lands safely.  Because of the wind, the drift often times carries the rocket a good distant from launch site.  Ed had a good team of recovery men.  You should have seen those old guys running after the parachute.  

The Big Launch

Back to the Drawing Board

Too bad the charge to eject the parachute failed and the rocket fell to earth without a parachute safe landing.  The damage looked bad, but Ed says that repair is possible and the rocket will fly again.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rice University Art Gallery

This past May we had an opportunity to visit the  Rice University Art Gallery, which was our first.

Our son, Nash does some photographic work for the Gallery and we were able to meet some of the staff and view and up coming event.

I won't attempt to explain this exhibit, but it's an outstanding display by an artist named Mark Fox.
For the complete story Click Here.  View the video, it's amazing.

Blytheville History Lesson

Two lessons on the history of Blytheville, with lots of interesting facts about Blytheville and the northeastern delta of Arkansas.  The classes were made possible through Arkansas Northeastern College and were taught by Jonathan Abbott of Blytheville.  Mr. Abbott has a vast  knowledge  of the Blytheville area, and did an outstanding job.  Attendance was good and the programs were enjoyed by all.

The classes were available not only to Westminster redidents, but the general public as well, and attendance was good.  Everyone thinks we should have more events like this.  Thanks to Becca Sundy the resident relations director for Westminster, and Sharon Stevens of ANC, and all who helped make this program possible. 
For additional information about Blytheville

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thursday's Bridge Less One

Cloody, Wilda, and Vicky for bridge along with a crazy Christmas catus.   We have had this plant for a number of years, and it's supposed to bloom at Christmas, but it always blooms about Thanksgiving.  This year it's early, but as beautiful as ever. 

I'm the missing fourth for Bridge.   

This plants stays outdoors in the summer and is brought indoors before the first frost.  This year it started blooming almost immediately after after being brought indoors.   I tell myself that I must repot it each year, but for some strange reason I fail to follow through. It seems to thrive on negelect, and Cloody loves it.  

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lavella Polston McWilliams

Not everyone knows that the nice lady who just rented you an apartment in Westminster Village, was once a professional basketball player, and was redheaded.  Say hello to Lavella McWillians, or better come by and chat with her about her basketball career.  In her office hang a large poster that tells the entire story.
I think this is the best picture on the poster.  I wish it were in color to show the red hair, but maybe being billed as the " Whiz Kid" is enough.  

Cloody and I moved to Westminster over seven years ago and we were fortunate to have Lavella rent us an apartment.  She has rented many during her career at Westminster.  

Lavella is a person of many talents.  She has a beautiful voice, and entertains at various Village functions.  She is active in the Kiwanis Club and is a long time member of The Fairview Baptist Church, and of course she sings in the choir. She is married to " Bud" McWilliams who is devoted to supporting her in many of her activities.  Lavella's mother, Julia Polston is a resident of Westminster, and at 89 still like to play the piano.  

Lavella standing by the poster of her basketball career.  This poster hangs in Lavella's office, and it tells a wonderful story.  The poster tells it all and a click on the picture will enlarge it for reading. What an exciting experience in one's life; one that will never be forgotten. We all want to know more about the red hair.   

The All American Redheads.  Yes, you had to have red hair to play on this team, but that didn't seem to be a problem. Billed as America's greatest basketball attraction.   What I wouldn't have given to see this team play. 

No basketball today, just work.  Lavella is our Marketing Director and it's always nice to drop by and say hello, and listen to her sales pitch as she rents another unit in the Village.  She moved Cloody and me into an apartment over seven years ago, and we are still friends.  

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Presbyterian Musical Extravangaza

(click to enlarge)

An entertaining program that was enjoyed by all.  Some very talented people did an outstanding job to raise money for a worthy cause.  The generous donations exceeded last year.  Thanks to all.

Art from Tita Mama

Just had to show off this painting.  It bring back to mind all the wonderful places in North Carolina that's home to Tita.     

I'm impressed with the many new techniques that are being used today.  Having dabbled a little in water colors, I'm sure I'm going to get back to painting.  Thanks Tita, for sending me this picture.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Davis Baker Scout Project

Davis walks into a big project.   Today it's about leadership and community service.   A make-over of the day school play area at Calvary Episcopal Church, and recruit and organize a team to accomplish the task at hand.  The scouts from troop 34, friends, and family all turned out to make it a successful event.  Everyone worked , played , visited and had a wonderful time.
Cloody and I were on hand for moral support, and considered it a real pleasure to be present.  We too enjoyed ourselves and had a fun day.

Several additions were added to the play area that should make it more interesting and  fun for all.  My favorite is the new water table .  A small pond  above ground making it easily accessible.  Constructed from a couple of jet engine intake covers, bolted together, and mounted in an inverted position, resting on PVC uprights.  Filled with water, it's just right for sailing a paper boat or maybe making mud pies. Bring on the yellow ducks.  Who knows, the Peabody may have competition. 


Scoutmaster,  Dan Eason

Dan is certainly does a wonderful job with the boys of  Troop 34.   A man who is very dedicated  to teaching, and working with today's youth.  It's truly amazing the support and following he gets from all. Not only just the boys but parents as well.  Thank to Dan for making this project a a success.

It was nice having Terri Purvis on hand for Saturday's event.  Terri is a teacher at Calvary and had Davis in her class over ten years ago.  What an asset she is to the Calvary Place.  She was interested in the project and how it will help the children's play area.  She personally planted the monkey grass along the building that was part of the overall plan.  A big thanks to Terri  


Just like Old Home Week seeing Terri again.   From left to right:  Phil, Frank, Terri, and Jamie.
Terri and I had to have a few words remembering when Davis was in her care.  We each had a story to tell, but I'm not getting into them  at the present.  Good seeing Terri again.


