Not everyone knows that the nice lady who just rented you an apartment in Westminster Village, was once a professional basketball player, and was redheaded. Say hello to Lavella McWillians, or better come by and chat with her about her basketball career. In her office hang a large poster that tells the entire story.
I think this is the best picture on the poster. I wish it were in color to show the red hair, but maybe being billed as the " Whiz Kid" is enough.
Cloody and I moved to Westminster over seven years ago and we were fortunate to have Lavella rent us an apartment. She has rented many during her career at Westminster.
Lavella is a person of many talents. She has a beautiful voice, and entertains at various Village functions. She is active in the Kiwanis Club and is a long time member of The Fairview Baptist Church, and of course she sings in the choir. She is married to " Bud" McWilliams who is devoted to supporting her in many of her activities. Lavella's mother, Julia Polston is a resident of Westminster, and at 89 still like to play the piano.
Lavella standing by the poster of her basketball career. This poster hangs in Lavella's office, and it tells a wonderful story. The poster tells it all and a click on the picture will enlarge it for reading. What an exciting experience in one's life; one that will never be forgotten. We all want to know more about the red hair.
The All American Redheads. Yes, you had to have red hair to play on this team, but that didn't seem to be a problem. Billed as America's greatest basketball attraction. What I wouldn't have given to see this team play.
No basketball today, just work. Lavella is our Marketing Director and it's always nice to drop by and say hello, and listen to her sales pitch as she rents another unit in the Village. She moved Cloody and me into an apartment over seven years ago, and we are still friends.